mardi 13 septembre 2011

Mossbrae Falls and the Dunsmuir Brewery

This past Christmas some friends of ours gave us a gift certificate to go to the Dunsmuir Brewery for dinner. Since Mossbrae Falls is on the way, we decided to go for a double whammy of awesome. The food at the brewery was actually pretty good and 'gourmet' for out here. Given the normally poor alimentary selection 'round about these parts, I was quite pleased. The falls were gorgeous as usual; though, when we tried to swim the water was absolutely frigid. Needless to say we only went in to about calf height.

 All in all it was a great day and as we walked the train tracks back ( it's a bit treacherous to get to this particular waterfall since there is no other path but walking the rocky train tracks while reactivating all of your dormant ninja-Matrix skillz to avoid any oncoming trains) snacking on wild blackberries all the way, it really hit me that I am going to all these places to say goodbye. It's funny how attached you can get to places and yet what a triumphant feeling it is to know that there is so much earth to tread and so many adventures to be had. My feet are hungry to hit that open road once more and with just about a week until my departure, I am bouncing with happiness.

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