jeudi 4 août 2011

Nananananananananana Visaaaa

I have in my hands a shiny, multi-colored, magical Visa full of awesome that I procured during my trip down to San Francisco (more on that when I quit being lazy and actually write on this blog of all the spectacular things I've been doing). Everything went perfectly; I didn't get stuck in traffic OR have trouble getting a parking spot even. Talk about amazing!

In other news. After a two year (or so) stint of not being sick AT ALL, I caught something... Given that the symptoms started soon after I mopped the floor, I am persuaded that something evil was living in the mop and/or floor and/or water that has now invaded my system. ORR it could be from Grandma Death (aka an older woman at the hotel where we stayed last week who was seen, usually with a blanket over her shoulders, at least one cup of tea, and multiple kleenexes *how the fuck is the plural of kleenex spelled?* in various near death poses throughout the PUBLIC parts of the hotel). Impossible to know, but anyway with a little echinacea tea and various other healthy goodies I will be back in form soon and maybe even writing this blog.

2 commentaires:

  1. salut!!

    I was just as excited as you were, when I got my VISA. I'll be an assistant in l'academie de Créteil but I'll be living in Paris and I can't wait to go!

    be sure to follow my blog at:


  2. Salut à toi!

    It's pretty exciting stuff! Have a great time in Paris! I am going to be staying there a few days at the beginning of my trip as well. So glad we both got in this year! Best of luck with all of your preparations!
